Post-Scan Options
Post-Scan options activate their respective post-scan plugins which execute the task.
All “Post-Scan” Options
- --mark-source
Set the “is_source” flag to true for directories that contain over 90% of source files as direct children and descendants. Count the number of source files in a directory as a new “source_file_counts” attribute
Sub-Option of:
- --consolidate
Group resources by Packages or license and copyright holder and return those groupings as a list of consolidated packages and a list of consolidated components. The –consolidate option will be deprecated in a future version of scancode-toolkit as top level packages now provide improved consolidated data.
Sub-Option of:
.- --filter-clues
Filter redundant duplicated clues already contained in detected licenses, copyright texts and notices.
- --license-clarity-score
Compute a summary license clarity score at the codebase level.
Sub-Option of:
.- --license-policy FILE
Load a License Policy file and apply it to the scan at the Resource level.
- --summary
Summarize scans by providing declared origin information and other detected info at the codebase attribute level.
- --tallies
Summarize license, copyright and other scans at the codebase level with occurrence counts.
- --tallies-by-facet
Summarize license, copyright and other scans and group the results by facet.
Sub-Option of:
.- --tallies-key-files
Summarize license, copyright and other scans for key, top-level files, with occurrence counts. Key files are top-level codebase files such as COPYING, README and package manifests as reported by the
option: “is_legal”, “is_readme”, “is_manifest” and “is_top_level” flags.Sub-Option of:
.- --tallies-with-details
Summarize license, copyright and other scans at the codebase level with occurrence counts, while also keeping intermediate details at the file and directory level.
To see all plugins available via command line help, use --plugins
Plugins that are shown by using --plugins
inlcude the following:
Post-Scan Plugins (and, the following)
Pre-Scan Plugins
Output Options
Output Control
Basic Scan Options
The option
is a sub-option of and requires the option--info
option marks theis_source
attribute of a directory to beTrue
, if more than 90% of the files under that directory is source files, andFalse
otherwise.When the following command is executed to scan the
directory with this option enabled:scancode -clpieu --json-pp output.json samples --mark-sourceThen, the following directories are marked as “Source”, i.e. their
attribute is set toTrue
, as they contain mostly source code.
The option
is a sub-option of and requires the options--license
option will be deprecated in a future version of ScanCode Toolkit as top level packages, dependencies and licenses now provide improved consolidated data.The JSON file containing scan results after using the
Plugin is structured as follows:An example Scan:
scancode -clpieu --json-pp output.json samples --consolidateThe JSON output file is structured as follows:
{ "headers": [...], "consolidated_components": [ { "type": "license-holders", "identifier": "dmitriy_anisimkov_1", "consolidated_license_expression": "gpl-2.0-plus WITH ada-linking-exception", "consolidated_holders": [ "Dmitriy Anisimkov" ], "consolidated_copyright": "Copyright (c) Dmitriy Anisimkov", "core_license_expression": "gpl-2.0-plus WITH ada-linking-exception", "core_holders": [ "Dmitriy Anisimkov" ], "other_license_expression": null, "other_holders": [], "files_count": 1 }, {... } ], "consolidated_packages": [...], "files": [...] }Each consolidated component has the following information:
"consolidated_components": [ { "type": "license-holders", "identifier": "dmitriy_anisimkov_1", "consolidated_license_expression": "gpl-2.0-plus WITH ada-linking-exception", "consolidated_holders": [ "Dmitriy Anisimkov" ], "consolidated_copyright": "Copyright (c) Dmitriy Anisimkov", "core_license_expression": "gpl-2.0-plus WITH ada-linking-exception", "core_holders": [ "Dmitriy Anisimkov" ], "other_license_expression": null, "other_holders": [], "files_count": 1 },In addition to this, in every file/directory where the consolidated part (i.e. License information) was present, a “consolidated_to” attribute is added pointing to the “identifier” of “consolidated_components”:
"consolidated_to": [ "dmitriy_anisimkov_1" ],Note that multiple files may have the same “consolidated_to” attribute.
Plugin filters redundant duplicated clues already contained in detected licenses, copyright texts and notices, authors.Consider the output of running the following scan (compared to running the scan without the
option):./scancode -clpieu --json-pp sample_filter_clues.json samples --filter-cluesWhen we run without the
option, we have the following detections at"path": "samples/JGroups/src/"
:{ "authors": [ { "author": "Chris Mills (", "start_line": 51, "end_line": 51 } ], "emails": [ { "email": "", "start_line": 51, "end_line": 51 } ] }And when we run a scan with the
option:{ "authors": [ { "author": "Chris Mills (", "start_line": 51, "end_line": 51 } ], "emails": [] }Notice that when we run the scan with the
option, we do not have the in email detections as we already have it in author detections.
The option
is a sub-option of and requires the option--classify
.Keep this doc section in sync with docstrings at:
plugin when used in a scan, computes a summary license clarity score at the codebase level. The license clarity score is a value from 0-100 calculated by combining the weighted values determined for each of the scoring elements:
- Declared license:
When true, indicates that the software package licensing is documented at top-level or well-known locations in the software project, typically in a package manifest, NOTICE, LICENSE, COPYING or README file.
Scoring Weight = 40
- Identification precision:
Indicates how well the license statement(s) of the software identify known licenses that can be designated by precise keys (identifiers) as provided in a publicly available license list, such as the ScanCode LicenseDB, the SPDX license list, the OSI license list, or a URL pointing to a specific license text in a project or organization website.
Scoring Weight = 40
- License texts:
License texts are provided to support the declared license expression in files such as a package manifest, NOTICE, LICENSE, COPYING or README.
Scoring Weight = 10
- Declared copyright:
When true, indicates that the software package copyright is documented at top-level or well-known locations in the software project, typically in a package manifest, NOTICE, LICENSE, COPYING or README file.
Scoring Weight = 10
- Ambiguous compound licensing
When true, indicates that the software has a license declaration that makes it difficult to construct a reliable license expression, such as in the case of multiple licenses where the conjunctive versus disjunctive relationship is not well defined.
Scoring Weight = -10
- Conflicting license categories
When true, indicates the declared license expression of the software is in the permissive category, but that other potentially conflicting categories, such as copyleft and proprietary, have been detected in lower level code.
Scoring Weight = -20
An example Scan:
scancode -clpieu --json-pp output.json samples --classify --license-clarity-scoreThe “license_clarity_score” will have the following attributes:
When the “license_clarity_score” is included, the entire JSON file is structured as follows:
{ "headers": [...], "summary": { "declared_license_expression": "mit", "license_clarity_score": { "score": 100, "declared_license": true, "identification_precision": true, "has_license_text": true, "declared_copyrights": true, "conflicting_license_categories": false, "ambiguous_compound_licensing": false } }, "files": [...] }Note
When the
option is used, the output is added as the following attributes:
license_clarity_score (with the score and other flags as sub-attributes)
in the top-level
attribute, but the--summary
CLI option is not required for this. Using the--summary
CLI option also populates the same top-levelsummary
attribute with the license clarity score.
--license-policy FILE
option does not have any required CLI options, but you would not have any usable information if you are using it without the--license
option since this only gets license keys from the file license detections. We do not have licenses as a required option because this plugin would be upgraded to also include the license policy attribute for packages too.The Policy file is a YAML (.yml) document with the following structure:
license_policies: - license_key: mit label: Approved License color_code: '#00800' icon: icon-ok-circle - license_key: agpl-3.0 label: Approved License color_code: '#008000' icon: icon-ok-circleNote
In the policy file only the “license_key” is a required field.
Applying License Policies during a ScanCode scan, using the
Plugin:scancode -clipeu --json-pp output.json samples --license-policy policy-file.ymlThis adds to every file/directory an object “license_policy”, having as further attributes under it the fields as specified in the .YAML file. Here according to our example .YAML file, the attributes will be:
Here the
directory is scanned, and the Scan Results for a sample file is as follows:{ "path": "samples/JGroups/licenses/apache-2.0.txt", "license_detections": [ "license_expression": "apache-2.0", "matches": {...} "identifier": "apache_2_0-9804422e-94ac-ad40-b53a-ee6f8ddb7a3b" ], "detected_license_expression": "apache-2.0", "detected_license_expression_spdx": "Apache-2.0", "license_policy": { "license_key": "apache-2.0", "label": "Approved License", "color_code": "#008000", "icon": "icon-ok-circle" }, ... },More information on the License Policy Plugin and usage.
The option
is a sub-option of and requires the option--license
.Details about the matched license or license rule are not included with the license matches for license detections by default. These are instead reported optionally and separately as codebase-level reference data. There are two codebase-level attributes added with the
with details from scancode licenses (which are each a.LICENSE
with details from scancode license rules (which are each a.RULE
file)Consider a file
with the following license declaration:License: mitWe run the following scan on this file:
scancode -l --license-text --license-references mit.txt --json-pp mit.jsonSee the results for this license scan with
enabled:{ "headers": [...], "license_detections": [ { "identifier": "mit-3fce6ea2-8abd-6c6b-3ede-a37af7c6efee", "license_expression": "mit", "detection_count": 1 } ], "license_references": [ { "key": "mit", "language": "en", "short_name": "MIT License", "name": "MIT License", "category": "Permissive", "owner": "MIT", "homepage_url": "", "notes": "Per, this license is OSI certified.", "is_builtin": true, "is_exception": false, "is_unknown": false, "is_generic": false, "spdx_license_key": "MIT", "other_spdx_license_keys": [], "osi_license_key": null, "text_urls": [ "" ], "osi_url": "", "faq_url": "", "other_urls": [ "", "", "" ], "key_aliases": [], "minimum_coverage": 0, "standard_notice": null, "ignorable_copyrights": [], "ignorable_holders": [], "ignorable_authors": [], "ignorable_urls": [], "ignorable_emails": [], "text": "Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n\"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.", "scancode_url": "", "licensedb_url": "", "spdx_url": "" } ], "license_rule_references": [ { "license_expression": "mit", "identifier": "mit_30.RULE", "language": "en", "rule_url": "", "is_license_text": false, "is_license_notice": false, "is_license_reference": false, "is_license_tag": true, "is_license_intro": false, "is_continuous": false, "is_builtin": true, "is_from_license": false, "is_synthetic": false, "length": 2, "relevance": 100, "minimum_coverage": 100, "referenced_filenames": [], "notes": null, "ignorable_copyrights": [], "ignorable_holders": [], "ignorable_authors": [], "ignorable_urls": [], "ignorable_emails": [], "text": "License: MIT" } ], "files": [ { "path": "mit.txt", "type": "file", "detected_license_expression": "mit", "detected_license_expression_spdx": "MIT", "license_detections": [ { "license_expression": "mit", "matches": [ { "score": 100.0, "start_line": 1, "end_line": 1, "matched_length": 2, "match_coverage": 100.0, "matcher": "1-hash", "license_expression": "mit", "rule_identifier": "mit_30.RULE", "rule_relevance": 100, "rule_url": "", "matched_text": "License: mit" } ], "identifier": "mit-3fce6ea2-8abd-6c6b-3ede-a37af7c6efee" } ], "license_clues": [], "percentage_of_license_text": 100.0, "scan_errors": [] } ] }See Only reference License related data for more details on license references and a comparison with previous scancode output formats.
The option
and--summary-with-details``are sub-options of ``--summary
. These Sub-Options are all Post-Scan Options.An example Scan:
scancode -clpieu --json-pp output.json samples --summaryThe whole JSON file is structured as follows, when the
plugin is applied:{ "headers": [...], "summary": { "declared_license_expression": null, "license_clarity_score": {...}, "declared_holder": "", "primary_language": "C", "other_license_expressions": [...], "other_holders": [...] "other_languages": [...] }, "files": [...] }Each attribute in
has multiple entries each containing “value” and “count”, with their values having the summary information inside them.See below a sample fully populated summary object:
{ "summary": { "declared_license_expression": "commercial-license AND other-permissive AND mit", "license_clarity_score": { "score": 100, "declared_license": true, "identification_precision": true, "has_license_text": true, "declared_copyrights": true, "conflicting_license_categories": false, "ambiguous_compound_licensing": false }, "declared_holder": "Strapi Solutions SAS", "primary_language": "JavaScript", "other_license_expressions": [ { "value": "commercial-license AND other-permissive AND mit", "count": 65 }, { "value": "mit", "count": 7 }, { "value": null, "count": 1 }, { "value": "apache-2.0", "count": 1 }, { "value": "generic-cla", "count": 1 } ], "other_holders": [ { "value": null, "count": 3572 }, { "value": "Jon Schlinkert", "count": 2 } ], "other_languages": [ { "value": "TypeScript", "count": 91 }, { "value": "GAS", "count": 28 }, { "value": "HTML", "count": 6 }, { "value": "Bash", "count": 5 }, { "value": "verilog", "count": 1 } ] }
Optional Dependency
option does not have any required CLI option dependencies, but as it contains license, copyright, holder, author, packages and programming language information, it is recommended to use this option with--license
options enabled, or there will not be any corresponding data for these.An example scan using the
Plugin:scancode -clipeu --json-pp strapi.json strapi-main/ --talliesThe JSON file containing the
scan results are as follows:{ "headers": [...], "packages": [...], "dependencies": [...], "license_detections": [...], "tallies": { "detected_license_expression": [ { "value": "commercial-license AND other-permissive AND mit", "count": 65 }, { "value": "mit", "count": 7 }, { "value": null, "count": 1 }, { "value": "apache-2.0", "count": 1 }, { "value": "generic-cla", "count": 1 } ], "copyrights": [ { "value": null, "count": 3572 }, { "value": "Copyright (c) Strapi Solutions SAS", "count": 31 }, { "value": "Copyright (c) Jon Schlinkert", "count": 2 } ], "holders": [ { "value": null, "count": 3572 }, { "value": "Strapi Solutions SAS", "count": 31 }, { "value": "Jon Schlinkert", "count": 2 } ], "authors": [ { "value": null, "count": 3567 }, { "value": "name' Strapi Solutions", "count": 30 }, { "value": "the community", "count": 4 }, { "value": "name' A Strapi developer", "count": 3 }, { "value": "name A Strapi", "count": 1 }, { "value": "name' Yurii Tykhomyrov", "count": 1 } ], "programming_language": [ { "value": "JavaScript", "count": 2854 }, { "value": "TypeScript", "count": 91 }, { "value": "GAS", "count": 28 }, { "value": "HTML", "count": 6 }, { "value": "Bash", "count": 5 }, { "value": "verilog", "count": 1 } ], "packages": [...] }, "files": [...] }This adds a top-level “tallius” attribute and the sub-attributes will be:
These are all lists with the corresponding “value” and their respective “count”, basically tallies of all different values.
The option
is a sub-option of and requires the options--facet
.For users who want to know What is a Facet?.
Running the scan with
--tallies --tallies-by-facet
Plugins creates individual summaries for all the facets with the same license, copyright and other scan information, at a codebase level (in addition to the codebase level general summary generated by--tallies
Plugin). Once all files have been assigned a facet, files without a facet are assigned to the core facet.An example scan using the
Plugin:scancode -clipeu --json-pp strapi.json strapi-main/ --tallies --facet dev="*.js" --facet dev="*.ts" --tallies-by-facetWe have used the github:strapi/strapi project to generate exmaple results for this CLI option.
All other files which are not
are marked to be included in the facetcore
.A sample “summary_by_facet” object generated by the previous scan (shortened):
{ "headers": [...], "packages": [...], "dependencies": [...], "license_detections": [...], "tallies": {...} "tallies_by_facet": [ { "facet": "core", "tallies": { "detected_license_expression": [ { "value": "commercial-license AND other-permissive AND mit", "count": 65 }, { "value": "mit", "count": 5 }, { "value": "generic-cla", "count": 1 } ], "copyrights": [ { "value": "Copyright (c) Strapi Solutions SAS", "count": 31 } ], "holders": [ { "value": "Strapi Solutions SAS", "count": 31 } ], "authors": [ { "value": "name' Strapi Solutions", "count": 30 }, { "value": "name' A Strapi developer", "count": 3 }, { "value": "name' Yurii Tykhomyrov", "count": 1 }, { "value": "the community", "count": 1 } ], "programming_language": [ { "value": "GAS", "count": 28 }, { "value": "TypeScript", "count": 7 }, { "value": "HTML", "count": 6 }, { "value": "Bash", "count": 5 }, { "value": "verilog", "count": 1 } ] } }, { "facet": "dev", "tallies": { "detected_license_expression": [ { "value": "mit", "count": 2 }, { "value": "apache-2.0", "count": 1 } ], "copyrights": [ { "value": "Copyright (c) Jon Schlinkert", "count": 2 } ], "holders": [ { "value": "Jon Schlinkert", "count": 2 } ], "authors": [ { "value": "the community", "count": 3 }, { "value": "name A Strapi", "count": 1 } ], "programming_language": [ { "value": "JavaScript", "count": 2854 }, { "value": "TypeScript", "count": 84 } ] } }, { "facet": "tests", "tallies": { "detected_license_expression": [], "copyrights": [], "holders": [], "authors": [], "programming_language": [] } }, { "facet": "docs", "tallies": { "detected_license_expression": [], "copyrights": [], "holders": [], "authors": [], "programming_language": [] } }, { "facet": "data", "tallies": { "detected_license_expression": [], "copyrights": [], "holders": [], "authors": [], "programming_language": [] } }, { "facet": "examples", "tallies": { "detected_license_expression": [], "copyrights": [], "holders": [], "authors": [], "programming_language": [] } } ], "files": [...] }Note
Summaries for all the facets are generated by default, regardless of facets not having any files under them.
The option
is a sub-option of and requires the options--classify
.An example Scan:
scancode -clipeu --json-pp strapi.json strapi-main/ --classify --tallies --tallies-key-filesRunning the scan with
--tallies --tallies-key-files
plugins creates summaries for key files with the same license, copyright and other scan information, at a codebase level (in addition to the codebase level general summary generated by--tallies
Plugin).The resulting JSON file containing the scan results is structured as follows:
{ "headers": [...], "packages": [...], "dependencies": [...], "license_detections": [...], "tallies": {...}, "tallies_of_key_files": { "license_expressions": [ { "value": null, "count": 1 } ], "copyrights": [ { "value": null, "count": 1 } ], "holders": [ { "value": null, "count": 1 } ], "authors": [ { "value": null, "count": 1 } ], "programming_language": [ { "value": null, "count": 1 } ] }, "files": [...] }These following flags for each file/directory is also present (generated by
A key-file is a top-level file, that is either a legal (LICENSE/COPYING etc), manifest or a readme file.
plugin summarizes license, copyright and other scan information at the codebase level. Now running the scan with the--tallies-with-details
plugin instead creates summaries at individual file/directories with the same license, copyright and other scan information, but at a file/directory level (in addition to the the codebase level summary).An example Scan:
scancode -clipeu --json-pp strapi.json strapi-main/ --tallies-with-detailsNote
The option
is not a dependency of--tallies
and can be used individually.--tallies
is redundant in a scan when--tallies-with-details
is already selected, because both of them add codebase-level tallies.A sample scan result is structured as follows:
{ "headers": [...], "packages": [...], "dependencies": [...], "license_detections": [...], "tallies": {...}, "files": [ { "path": "strapi-main", "type": "directory", "name": "strapi-main", "base_name": "strapi-main", "extension": "", "size": 0, "date": null, "sha1": null, "md5": null, "sha256": null, "mime_type": null, "file_type": null, "programming_language": null, "is_binary": false, "is_text": false, "is_archive": false, "is_media": false, "is_source": false, "is_script": false, "package_data": [], "for_packages": [], "detected_license_expression": null, "detected_license_expression_spdx": null, "license_detections": [], "license_clues": [], "percentage_of_license_text": 0, "copyrights": [], "holders": [], "authors": [], "emails": [], "urls": [], "facets": [], "is_legal": false, "is_manifest": false, "is_readme": false, "is_top_level": true, "is_key_file": false, "tallies": { "detected_license_expression": [ { "value": "commercial-license AND other-permissive AND mit", "count": 65 }, { "value": "mit", "count": 7 }, { "value": null, "count": 1 }, { "value": "apache-2.0", "count": 1 }, { "value": "generic-cla", "count": 1 } ], "copyrights": [ { "value": null, "count": 3572 }, { "value": "Copyright (c) Strapi Solutions SAS", "count": 31 }, { "value": "Copyright (c) Jon Schlinkert", "count": 2 } ], "holders": [ { "value": null, "count": 3572 }, { "value": "Strapi Solutions SAS", "count": 31 }, { "value": "Jon Schlinkert", "count": 2 } ], "authors": [ { "value": null, "count": 3567 }, { "value": "name' Strapi Solutions", "count": 30 }, { "value": "the community", "count": 4 }, { "value": "name' A Strapi developer", "count": 3 }, { "value": "name A Strapi", "count": 1 }, { "value": "name' Yurii Tykhomyrov", "count": 1 } ], "programming_language": [ { "value": "JavaScript", "count": 2854 }, { "value": "TypeScript", "count": 91 }, { "value": "GAS", "count": 28 }, { "value": "HTML", "count": 6 }, { "value": "Bash", "count": 5 }, { "value": "verilog", "count": 1 } ] }, "files_count": 3604, "dirs_count": 1603, "size_count": 15175739, "scan_errors": [] }, {...} ] }