Getting Help from the Command Line

ScanCode-Toolkit Command Line Interface can help you to search for specific options or use cases from the command line itself. These are two options are --help and --examples, and are very helpful if you need a quick glance of the options or use cases. Or it can be useful when you can’t access, the more elaborate online documentation.

All Documentation/Help Options

-h, --help

Show the Help text and exit.


Show the Command Examples Text and exit.

-A, --about

Show information about ScanCode and licensing and exit.

-V, --version

Show the version and exit.


Show the list of supported package types and exit.


Show the list of available ScanCode plugins and exit.


Show the list of selected options and exit.

Help text

The Scancode-Toolkit Command Line Interface has a Help option displaying all the options. It also displays basic usage, and some simple examples. The command line option for this is --help.


You can also use the shorter -h option, which does the same.

To see the help text from the Terminal, execute the following command:

$ scancode --help

The Following Help Text is displayed, i.e. This is the help text for Scancode Version 32.0.0:

Usage: scancode [OPTIONS] <OUTPUT FORMAT OPTION(s)> <input>...

  scan the <input> file or directory for license, origin and packages and save
  results to FILE(s) using one or more output format option.

  Error and progress are printed to stderr.


  primary scans:
    -l, --license     Scan <input> for licenses.
    -p, --package     Scan <input> for application package and dependency
                      manifests, lockfiles and related data.
    --system-package  Scan <input> for installed system package databases.
    -c, --copyright   Scan <input> for copyrights.

  other scans:
    -i, --info   Scan <input> for file information (size, checksums, etc).
    --generated  Classify automatically generated code files with a flag.
    -e, --email  Scan <input> for emails.
    -u, --url    Scan <input> for urls.

  scan options:
    --license-diagnostics       In license detections, include diagnostic details
                                to figure out the license detection post
                                processing steps applied.
    --license-score INTEGER     Do not return license matches with a score lower
                                than this score. A number between 0 and 100.
                                [default: 0]
    --license-text              Include the detected licenses matched text.
    --license-text-diagnostics  In the matched license text, include diagnostic
                                highlights surrounding with square brackets []
                                words that are not matched.
    --license-url-template TEXT Set the template URL used for the license
                                reference URLs. Curly braces ({}) are replaced by
                                the license key.  [default: https://scancode-
    --max-email INT             Report only up to INT emails found in a file. Use
                                0 for no limit.  [default: 50]
    --max-url INT               Report only up to INT urls found in a file. Use 0
                                for no limit.  [default: 50]
    --unknown-licenses          [EXPERIMENTAL] Detect unknown licenses.

  output formats:
    --json FILE             Write scan output as compact JSON to FILE.
    --json-pp FILE          Write scan output as pretty-printed JSON to FILE.
    --json-lines FILE       Write scan output as JSON Lines to FILE.
    --yaml FILE             Write scan output as YAML to FILE.
    --csv FILE              [DEPRECATED] Write scan output as CSV to FILE. The
                            --csv option is deprecated and will be replaced by new
                            CSV and tabular output formats in the next ScanCode
                            release. Visit
                            toolkit/issues/3043 to provide inputs and feedback.
    --html FILE             Write scan output as HTML to FILE.
    --custom-output FILE    Write scan output to FILE formatted with the custom
                            Jinja template file.
    --debian FILE           Write scan output in machine-readable Debian copyright
                            format to FILE.
    --custom-template FILE  Use this Jinja template FILE as a custom template.
    --cyclonedx FILE        Write scan output in CycloneDX JSON format to FILE.
    --cyclonedx-xml FILE    Write scan output in CycloneDX XML format to FILE.
    --spdx-rdf FILE         Write scan output as SPDX RDF to FILE.
    --spdx-tv FILE          Write scan output as SPDX Tag/Value to FILE.
    --html-app FILE         (DEPRECATED: use the ScanCode Workbench app instead)
                            Write scan output as a mini HTML application to FILE.

  output filters:
    --ignore-author <pattern>           Ignore a file (and all its findings) if an
                                        author contains a match to the <pattern>
                                        regular expression. Note that this will ignore
                                        a file even if it has other findings such as a
                                        license or errors.
    --ignore-copyright-holder <pattern> Ignore a file (and all its findings) if a
                                        copyright holder contains a match to the
                                        <pattern> regular expression. Note that this
                                        will ignore a file even if it has other
                                        scanned data such as a license or errors.
    --only-findings                     Only return files or directories with findings
                                        for the requested scans. Files and directories
                                        without findings are omitted (file information
                                        is not treated as findings).

  output control:
    --full-root   Report full, absolute paths.
    --strip-root  Strip the root directory segment of all paths. The default is to
                  always include the last directory segment of the scanned path
                  such that all paths have a common root directory.

    --ignore <pattern>         Ignore files matching <pattern>.
    --include <pattern>        Include files matching <pattern>.
    --classify                 Classify files with flags indicating whether the file is a
                               legal, readme, test or similar file.
    --facet <facet>=<pattern>  Add the <facet> to files with a path matching

    --consolidate            Group resources by Packages or license and copyright
                             holder and return those groupings as a list of
                             consolidated packages and a list of consolidated
                             components. This requires the scan to have/be run
                             with the copyright, license, and package options
    --filter-clues           Filter redundant duplicated clues already contained
                             in detected license and copyright texts and notices.
    --license-clarity-score  Compute a summary license clarity score at the
                             codebase level.
    --license-policy FILE    Load a License Policy file and apply it to the scan
                             at the Resource level.
    --license-references     Return reference data for all licenses and license
                             rules present in detections.
    --mark-source            Set the "is_source" to true for directories that
                             contain over 90% of source files as children and
                             descendants. Count the number of source files in a
                             directory as a new source_file_counts attribute
    --summary                Summarize scans by providing declared origin
                             information and other detected origin info at the
                             codebase attribute level.
    --tallies                Compute tallies for license, copyright and other
                             scans at the codebase level.
    --tallies-by-facet       Compute tallies for license, copyright and other
                             scans and group the results by facet.
    --tallies-key-files      Compute tallies for license, copyright and other
                             scans for key, top-level files. Key files are top-
                             level codebase files such as COPYING, README and
                             package manifests as reported by the --classify
                             option "is_legal", "is_readme", "is_manifest" and
                             "is_top_level" flags.
    --tallies-with-details   Compute tallies of license, copyright and other scans
                             at the codebase level, keeping intermediate details
                             at the file and directory level.

    --timeout <seconds>     Stop an unfinished file scan after a timeout in
                            seconds. [default: 120 seconds]
    -n, --processes INT     Set the number of parallel processes to use. Disable
                            parallel processing if 0. Also disable threading if
                            -1. [default: 1]
    -q, --quiet             Do not print summary or progress.
    -v, --verbose           Print progress as file-by-file path instead of a
                            progress bar. Print verbose scan counters.
    --from-json             Load codebase from one or more <input> JSON scan
    --max-in-memory INTEGER Maximum number of files and directories scan details
                            kept in memory during a scan. Additional files and
                            directories scan details above this number are cached
                            on-disk rather than in memory. Use 0 to use unlimited
                            memory and disable on-disk caching. Use -1 to use
                            only on-disk caching.  [default: 10000]
    --max-depth INTEGER     Maximum nesting depth of subdirectories to scan.
                            Descend at most INTEGER levels of directories below
                            and including the starting directory. Use 0 for no
                            scan depth limit.

    -h, --help       Show this message and exit.
    -A, --about      Show information about ScanCode and licensing and exit.
    -V, --version    Show the version and exit.
    --examples       Show command examples and exit.
    --list-packages  Show the list of supported package manifest parsers and exit.
    --plugins        Show the list of available ScanCode plugins and exit.
    --print-options  Show the list of selected options and exit.

  Examples (use --examples for more):

  Scan the 'samples' directory for licenses and copyrights.
  Save scan results to the 'scancode_result.json' JSON file:

      scancode --license --copyright --json-pp scancode_result.json samples

  Scan the 'samples' directory for licenses and package manifests. Print scan
  results on screen as pretty-formatted JSON (using the special '-' FILE to print
  to on screen/to stdout):

      scancode --json-pp - --license --package  samples

  Note: when you run ScanCode, a progress bar is displayed with a counter of the
  number of files processed. Use --verbose to display file-by-file progress.

Command Examples Text

The Scancode-Toolkit Command Line Interface has an --examples option which displays some basic examples (more than the basic synopsis in --help). These examples include the following aspects of code scanning:

  • Scanning Single File/Directory

  • Output Scan results to stdout (as JSON) or HTML/JSON file

  • Scanning for only Copyrights/Licenses

  • Ignoring Files

  • Using GLOB Patterns to Scan Multiple Files

  • Using Verbose Mode

The command line option for displaying these basic examples is --examples.

To see the help text from the Terminal, execute the following command:

$ scancode --examples

The Following Text is displayed, i.e. This is the examples for Scancode Version 3.1.1

Scancode command lines examples:

(Note for Windows: use '\' back slash instead of '/' forward slash for paths.)

Scan a single file for copyrights. Print scan results to stdout as pretty JSON:

    scancode --copyright samples/zlib/zlib.h --json-pp -

Scan a single file for licenses, print verbose progress to stderr as each
file is scanned. Save scan to a JSON file:

    scancode --license --verbose samples/zlib/zlib.h --json licenses.json

Scan a directory explicitly for licenses and copyrights. Redirect JSON scan
results to a file:

    scancode --license --copyright samples/zlib/ --json - > scan.json

Scan a directory while ignoring a single file. Scan for license, copyright and
package manifests. Use four parallel processes.
Print scan results to stdout as pretty formatted JSON.

    scancode -lc --package --ignore README --processes 4 --json-pp - samples/

Scan a directory while ignoring all files with .txt extension.
Print scan results to stdout as pretty formatted JSON.
It is recommended to use quotes around glob patterns to prevent pattern
expansion by the shell:

    scancode --json-pp - --ignore "*.txt" samples/

Special characters supported in GLOB pattern:
- *       matches everything
- ?       matches any single character
- [seq]   matches any character in seq
- [!seq]  matches any character not in seq

For a literal match, wrap the meta-characters in brackets.
For example, '[?]' matches the character '?'.
For details on GLOB patterns see

Note: Glob patterns cannot be applied to path as strings.
For example, this will not ignore "samples/JGroups/licenses".

    scancode --json - --ignore "samples*licenses" samples/

Scan a directory while ignoring multiple files (or glob patterns).
Print the scan results to stdout as JSON:

    scancode --json - --ignore README --ignore "*.txt" samples/

Scan a directory for licenses and copyrights. Save scan results to an
HTML file:

    scancode --license --copyright --html scancode_result.html samples/zlib

To extract archives, see the 'extractcode' command instead.

Plugins Help Text

The command line option for displaying all the plugins is:

  • --plugins

To see the help text from the Terminal, execute the following command:

$ scancode --plugins


Plugins that are shown by using --plugins include the following:

  1. Post-Scan Plugins

  2. Pre-Scan Plugins

  3. Output Options

  4. Output Control

  5. Basic Scan Options

The Following Text is displayed, i.e. This is the available plugins for Scancode Version 31.2.1

Plugin: scancode_output:csv  class: formattedcode.output_csv:CsvOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: csv: --csv
      help: [DEPRECATED] Write scan output as CSV to FILE. The --csv option is deprecated and will be replaced by new CSV and tabular output formats in the next ScanCode release. Visit to provide inputs and feedback.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output:cyclonedx  class: formattedcode.output_cyclonedx:CycloneDxJsonOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: output_cyclonedx_json: --cyclonedx
      help: Write scan output in CycloneDX JSON format to FILE.
    Output plugin to write scan results in CycloneDX JSON format.
    For additional information on the format,
    please see

Plugin: scancode_output:cyclonedx-xml  class: formattedcode.output_cyclonedx:CycloneDxXmlOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: output_cyclonedx_xml: --cyclonedx-xml
      help: Write scan output in CycloneDX XML format to FILE.
    Output plugin to write scan results in CycloneDX XML format.
    For additional information on the format,
    please see

Plugin: scancode_output:debian  class: formattedcode.output_debian:DebianCopyrightOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: output_debian: --debian
      help: Write scan output in machine-readable Debian copyright format to FILE.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output:html  class: formattedcode.output_html:HtmlOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: html: --html
      help: Write scan output as HTML to FILE.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output:html-app  class: formattedcode.output_html:HtmlAppOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: html_app: --html-app
      help: (DEPRECATED: use the ScanCode Workbench app instead)
      Write scan output as a mini HTML application to FILE.
    Write scan output as a mini HTML application.

Plugin: scancode_output:json  class: formattedcode.output_json:JsonCompactOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: output_json: --json
      help: Write scan output as compact JSON to FILE.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output:json-pp  class: formattedcode.output_json:JsonPrettyOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: output_json_pp: --json-pp
      help: Write scan output as pretty-printed JSON to FILE.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output:jsonlines  class: formattedcode.output_jsonlines:JsonLinesOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: output_json_lines: --json-lines
      help: Write scan output as JSON Lines to FILE.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output:spdx-rdf  class: formattedcode.output_spdx:SpdxRdfOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: spdx_rdf: --spdx-rdf
      help: Write scan output as SPDX RDF to FILE.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output:spdx-tv  class: formattedcode.output_spdx:SpdxTvOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: spdx_tv: --spdx-tv
      help: Write scan output as SPDX Tag/Value to FILE.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output:template  class: formattedcode.output_html:CustomTemplateOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: custom_output: --custom-output
      help: Write scan output to FILE formatted with the custom Jinja template file.
    help_group: output formats, name: custom_template: --custom-template
      help: Use this Jinja template FILE as a custom template.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output:yaml  class: formattedcode.output_yaml:YamlOutput
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output formats, name: output_yaml: --yaml
      help: Write scan output as YAML to FILE.
  doc: None

Plugin: scancode_output_filter:ignore-copyrights  class: cluecode.plugin_ignore_copyrights:IgnoreCopyrights
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output filters, name: ignore_copyright_holder: --ignore-copyright-holder
      help: Ignore a file (and all its findings) if a copyright holder contains a match to the <pattern> regular expression. Note that this will ignore a file even if it has other scanned data such as a license or errors.
    help_group: output filters, name: ignore_author: --ignore-author
      help: Ignore a file (and all its findings) if an author contains a match to the <pattern> regular expression. Note that this will ignore a file even if it has other findings such as a license or errors.
    Filter findings that match given copyright holder or author patterns.
    Has no effect unless the --copyright scan is requested.

Plugin: scancode_output_filter:only-findings  class: scancode.plugin_only_findings:OnlyFindings
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: output filters, name: only_findings: --only-findings
      help: Only return files or directories with findings for the requested scans. Files and directories without findings are omitted (file information is not treated as findings).
    Filter files or directories without scan findings for the requested scans.

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:consolidate  class: summarycode.plugin_consolidate:Consolidator
  codebase_attributes: consolidated_components, consolidated_packages
  resource_attributes: consolidated_to
  sort_order: 10
    help_group: post-scan, name: consolidate: --consolidate
      help: Group resources by Packages or license and copyright holder and return those groupings as a list of consolidated packages and a list of consolidated components. This requires the scan to have/be run with the copyright, license, and package options active
    A ScanCode post-scan plugin to return consolidated components and consolidated
    packages for different types of codebase summarization.

    A consolidated component is a group of Resources that have the same origin.
    Currently, a ConsolidatedComponent is created for each detected copyright holder
    in a codebase and contains resources that have that particular copyright holder.

    A consolidated package is a detected package in the scanned codebase that has
    been enhanced with data about other licenses and holders found within it.

    If a Resource is part of a consolidated component or consolidated package, then
    the identifier of the consolidated component or consolidated package it is part
    of is in the Resource's ``consolidated_to`` field.

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:filter-clues  class: cluecode.plugin_filter_clues:RedundantCluesFilter
  sort_order: 1
    help_group: post-scan, name: filter_clues: --filter-clues
      help: Filter redundant duplicated clues already contained in detected license and copyright texts and notices.
    Filter redundant clues (copyrights, authors, emails, and urls) that are
    already contained in a matched license text.

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:license-clarity-score  class: summarycode.score:LicenseClarityScore
  codebase_attributes: summary
  sort_order: 5
    help_group: post-scan, name: license_clarity_score: --license-clarity-score
      help: Compute a summary license clarity score at the codebase level.
    Compute a License clarity score at the codebase level.

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:license-policy  class: licensedcode.plugin_license_policy:LicensePolicy
  resource_attributes: license_policy
  sort_order: 9
    help_group: post-scan, name: license_policy: --license-policy
      help: Load a License Policy file and apply it to the scan at the Resource level.
    Add the "license_policy" attribute to a resouce if it contains a
    detected license key that is found in the license_policy.yml file

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:license-references  class: licensedcode.licenses_reference:LicenseReference
  codebase_attributes: license_references, license_rule_references
  sort_order: 1000
    help_group: post-scan, name: license_references: --license-references
      help: Return reference data for all licenses and license rulespresent in detections.
    Add license and rule reference data to a scan.

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:mark-source  class: scancode.plugin_mark_source:MarkSource
  resource_attributes: source_count
  sort_order: 8
    help_group: post-scan, name: mark_source: --mark-source
      help: Set the "is_source" to true for directories that contain over 90% of source files as children and descendants. Count the number of source files in a directory as a new source_file_counts attribute
    Set the "is_source" flag to true for directories that contain
    over 90% of source files as direct children.
    Has no effect unless the --info scan is requested.

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:summary  class: summarycode.summarizer:ScanSummary
  codebase_attributes: summary
  sort_order: 2
    help_group: post-scan, name: summary: --summary
      help: Summarize scans by providing declared origin information and other detected origin info at the codebase attribute level.
    Summarize a scan at the codebase level.

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:tallies  class: summarycode.tallies:Tallies
  codebase_attributes: tallies
  sort_order: 15
    help_group: post-scan, name: tallies: --tallies
      help: Compute tallies for license, copyright and other scans at the codebase level.
    Compute tallies for license, copyright and other scans at the codebase level

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:tallies-by-facet  class: summarycode.tallies:FacetTallies
  codebase_attributes: tallies_by_facet
  sort_order: 200
    help_group: post-scan, name: tallies_by_facet: --tallies-by-facet
      help: Compute tallies for license, copyright and other scans and group the results by facet.
    Compute tallies for a scan at the codebase level, grouping by facets.

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:tallies-key-files  class: summarycode.tallies:KeyFilesTallies
  codebase_attributes: tallies_of_key_files
  sort_order: 150
    help_group: post-scan, name: tallies_key_files: --tallies-key-files
      help: Compute tallies for license, copyright and other scans for key, top-level files. Key files are top-level codebase files such as COPYING, README and package manifests as reported by the --classify option "is_legal", "is_readme", "is_manifest" and "is_top_level" flags.
    Compute tallies of a scan at the codebase level for only key files.

Plugin: scancode_post_scan:tallies-with-details  class: summarycode.tallies:TalliesWithDetails
  codebase_attributes: tallies
  resource_attributes: tallies
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: post-scan, name: tallies_with_details: --tallies-with-details
      help: Compute tallies of license, copyright and other scans at the codebase level, keeping intermediate details at the file and directory level.
    Compute tallies of different scan attributes of a scan at the codebase level and
    keep file and directory details.

    The scan attributes that are tallied are:
    - detected_license_expression
    - copyrights
    - holders
    - authors
    - programming_language
    - packages

Plugin: scancode_pre_scan:classify  class: summarycode.classify_plugin:FileClassifier
  resource_attributes: is_legal, is_manifest, is_readme, is_top_level, is_key_file
  sort_order: 30
    help_group: pre-scan, name: classify: --classify
      help: Classify files with flags telling if the file is a legal, or readme or test file, etc.
    Classify a file such as a COPYING file or a package manifest with a flag.

Plugin: scancode_pre_scan:facet  class: summarycode.facet:AddFacet
  resource_attributes: facets
  sort_order: 20
    help_group: pre-scan, name: facet: --facet
      help: Add the <facet> to files with a path matching <pattern>.
    Assign one or more "facet" to each file (and NOT to directories). Facets are
    a way to qualify that some part of the scanned code may be core code vs.
    test vs. data, etc.

Plugin: scancode_pre_scan:ignore  class: scancode.plugin_ignore:ProcessIgnore
  sort_order: 100
    help_group: pre-scan, name: ignore: --ignore
      help: Ignore files matching <pattern>.
    help_group: pre-scan, name: include: --include
      help: Include files matching <pattern>.
    Include or ignore files matching patterns.

Plugin: scancode_scan:copyrights  class: cluecode.plugin_copyright:CopyrightScanner
  resource_attributes: copyrights, holders, authors
  sort_order: 6
    help_group: primary scans, name: copyright: -c, --copyright
      help: Scan <input> for copyrights.
    Scan a Resource for copyrights.

Plugin: scancode_scan:emails  class: cluecode.plugin_email:EmailScanner
  resource_attributes: emails
  sort_order: 7
    help_group: other scans, name: email: -e, --email
      help: Scan <input> for emails.
    help_group: scan options, name: max_email: --max-email
      help: Report only up to INT emails found in a file. Use 0 for no limit.
    Scan a Resource for emails.

Plugin: scancode_scan:generated  class: summarycode.generated:GeneratedCodeDetector
  resource_attributes: is_generated
  sort_order: 50
    help_group: other scans, name: generated: --generated
      help: Classify automatically generated code files with a flag.
    Tag a file as generated.

Plugin: scancode_scan:info  class: scancode.plugin_info:InfoScanner
  resource_attributes: date, sha1, md5, sha256, mime_type, file_type, programming_language, is_binary, is_text, is_archive, is_media, is_source, is_script
  sort_order: 0
    help_group: other scans, name: info: -i, --info
      help: Scan <input> for file information (size, checksums, etc).
    Scan a file Resource for miscellaneous information such as mime/filetype and
    basic checksums.

Plugin: scancode_scan:licenses  class: licensedcode.plugin_license:LicenseScanner
  codebase_attributes: license_detections
  resource_attributes: detected_license_expression, detected_license_expression_spdx, license_detections, license_clues, percentage_of_license_text
  sort_order: 4
    help_group: primary scans, name: license: -l, --license
      help: Scan <input> for licenses.
    help_group: scan options, name: license_score: --license-score
      help: Do not return license matches with a score lower than this score. A number between 0 and 100.
    help_group: scan options, name: license_text: --license-text
      help: Include the detected licenses matched text.
    help_group: scan options, name: license_text_diagnostics: --license-text-diagnostics
      help: In the matched license text, include diagnostic highlights surrounding with square brackets [] words that are not matched.
    help_group: scan options, name: license_diagnostics: --license-diagnostics
      help: In license detections, include diagnostic details to figure out the license detection post processing steps applied.
    help_group: scan options, name: license_url_template: --license-url-template
      help: Set the template URL used for the license reference URLs. Curly braces ({}) are replaced by the license key.
    help_group: scan options, name: unknown_licenses: --unknown-licenses
      help: [EXPERIMENTAL] Detect unknown licenses.
    Scan a Resource for licenses.

Plugin: scancode_scan:packages  class: packagedcode.plugin_package:PackageScanner
  codebase_attributes: packages, dependencies
  resource_attributes: package_data, for_packages
  sort_order: 3
  required_plugins: scan:licenses
    help_group: primary scans, name: package: -p, --package
      help: Scan <input> for application package and dependency manifests, lockfiles and related data.
    help_group: primary scans, name: system_package: --system-package
      help: Scan <input> for installed system package databases.
    help_group: documentation, name: list_packages: --list-packages
      help: Show the list of supported package manifest parsers and exit.
    Scan a Resource for Package data and report these as "package_data" at the
    file level. Then create "packages" from these "package_data" at the top

Plugin: scancode_scan:urls  class: cluecode.plugin_url:UrlScanner
  resource_attributes: urls
  sort_order: 8
    help_group: other scans, name: url: -u, --url
      help: Scan <input> for urls.
    help_group: scan options, name: max_url: --max-url
      help: Report only up to INT urls found in a file. Use 0 for no limit.
    Scan a Resource for URLs.

--list-packages Option

This shows all the types of packages that can be scanned using Scancode. These are located in packagedcode i.e. Code used to parse various package formats.

See the Supported package manifests and package datafiles page for more details and documentation automatically generated using this data.